I’m not a woman of words, I’m a woman of action! But I guess we both need this little bio of mine, so let me introduce myself.

I’m Eleni Yiakoumi, a 35 year old proud Greek-Cypriot living my life in the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

I used to be a Certified IFBB Trainer, CrossFit Coach and former ballerina. I have always been into sports since I was a child and a professional coach in the fitness industry for the last 8 years.

Over time, I learned what I was good at and what my personal philosophy would be. I like using my own body as a test subject for movements, training plans, and recipes. Now, I love empowering women to start their fitness journeys, with my first aim being to make them feel in love with the process. Making them understand how our bodies, as women, are functioning with hormones, diet and physical activity.

Why is fitness important to me and what was my life lesson?

Fitness stabilises my mood and plays a role in maintaining my mental health and clarity. I’m so grateful for having a body healthy enough to enjoy every single day of my life.

The biggest challenge that I had was a couple of years ago, when I has obtained a serious injury on my neck and lower back, after an excessive over-training routine and a dangerous fall off my snowboard. My body collapsed, costing me 1 year of inactivity and almost a year of re-integration.

For those wondering, I’ve never had surgery, even though most of the doctors suggested it. I sat down, humbled myself and started to researching towards a better understanding of the human anatomy and kinesiology.

I wouldn’t have changed nothing! This painful experience gave me the tools to build everything I am today!

If you’re a woman of action and have an aligned vision with me, then I’m here to treat your body as if it were mine and guide you to a better and healthier lifestyle.

Here you'll find:

The Options:

Body weight, No equipment, home Workouts

Gym Access, weight training