Four of my Fav Exercises for A Booty Pump and Core Strength
Gluteal muscles are big so I prefer to train them separately from my full leg day routine. Glute muscles aren’t just for appearance…
Three Effective Chest & Boobie Lift Exercises For Your Push Day
Women should not fear training their chest. Chest is a major muscle group and should be trained too. It is important to remember that breasts do not contain any muscles. They are surrounded by muscle, but…
Four Exercises for Your Back & Posture
Back training should be a must! Strengthening your back muscles is crucial for improving postural problems. It gives to your body and spine a solid foundation and keeps you away from…
Four of my Best Exercises for Strong, More Defined and Healthy Shoulders
The shoulder joint is the most mobile, yet least stable joint in the human body. Having strong muscles around the shoulder blade supports…