Three Effective Chest & Boobie Lift Exercises For Your Push Day

Women should not fear training their chest. Chest is a major muscle group and should be trained too. It is important to remember that breasts do not contain any muscles. They are surrounded by muscle, but they are made mostly our of glandular and fatty tissue. Exercise will not change the size or shape of your breasts. Instead it will tone the muscles around them and it can definitely give your chest a lift!


1. Dumbbell Chest Press (Reps: 10-15)

The DB chest press primarily targets the chest muscle pectoralis, deltoids and triceps. When performed right, the dumbbell chest press involves full vody activation and pretty much every upper body muscle such as forearms, lats, pecs, traps, and rhomboids.

Dumbbell Chest Press Execution:

Start with the dumbbells resting on your quads, then lie back on the bench and as you do, use your legs to push the dumbbells into place on your chest. When you press dumbbells, your elbows should be tucked in, rather than flared out. Press until your arms reach full extent directly above your chest. Control the negative move and repeat 10-15 times.

2. Dumbbell Chest Fly (Reps: 10)

If there is one exercise that I encourage my clients to do if they want to improve their posture and tone their shoulders and chest, it’s the DB chest fly! The chest fly is beneficial for both men and women as it works out the pectoral and deltoid muscles with the triceps and biceps also involved in order to stabilise the movement.

Dumbbell Chest Fly Execution:

While lying on the bench, bring the pair of dumbbells up to your chest, like you did during the chest press. Your palms and dumbbells should be facing each other, with your arms almost straight. Drive the chest out and as you do, lower both arms out, with your elbows slightly bent. Reverse the motion and return the dumbbells to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

3. Push-Ups (Reps: 8-15)

The push-up is a common body weight exercise that works out the entire body. It mostly targets the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, as well as the triceps and deltoids. It is a great exercise and can improve your upper body strength and overall fitness. The exercise can be modified from most challenging to the easiest variation.

Push-Up Execution:

For the standard military push-up, start on all fours. Place your hands under your shoulders and keep your arms straight. Your legs should be fully extended. Your knees shouldn’t be touching the floor. Your pelvis is turned in, and the head into neutral position while looking down at the floor (like in a high plank position). While engaging the core, bend your elbows so that your chest gently touches the floor. Breath out while pushing your arms straight back up in order to lift your body back up, into the plank position. It is important to keep the core tight so your back does not sag. The push-up can be modified for beginners by putting your knees down on the floor and by holding your legs and feet together while lifting the body up.


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